Floor 4


mapb1f4.gif (1735 bytes)


Comm Log - 12806

To: All Personnel

From: Base Commander

Please remember to conserve power by turning off all equipment that is not  in use. Thank you.

Comm Log - 12807

To: Dr. Kytol

From: Dr. Sprag

We have completed work on the second version of Prototype Weapon #6 to be given to High Command. It appears to mirror the performance of  version #1. I will put it in safe storage pending their arrival.


b1e3.gif (2390 bytes) b1e4.gif (2552 bytes) b1e6.gif (2201 bytes) b1e7.gif (2569 bytes) b1e8.gif (2703 bytes) b1e9.gif (2594 bytes)


Turbolift Room..............11/10

Important Items

diskcontrollercircuit.gif (917 bytes)Disk Controller Circuit....................19/17

shieldgreen.gif (932 bytes)Green Deflector Shield....................Random

combination.gif (914 bytes)Combination......................................Random


weapongreen.gif (894 bytes)Green Laz Gun

powercrystalgreen.gif (895 bytes)Green Energy Crystal

shieldgreen.gif (932 bytes)Green Deflector Shield

repairpodgreen.gif (883 bytes)Green Repair Pod

shieldblue.gif (934 bytes)Blue Deflector Shield

repairpodblue.gif (883 bytes)Blue Repair Pod


When you exit the turbolift room, at 05/10 are 2 Pulverizers just waiting to blow you to pieces. Stop at 06/10, and use the Neutron Detonator from Level 3 to get rid of them.