Floor 5


mapb1f5.gif (1727 bytes)


Comm Log - 12808

To: Research Team

From: Base Commander

The high levels of interference have been traced to an unusual concentration of power behind the eleventh planet of Parin. We will keep you informed.

Comm Log - 12809

To: Spaze N. Vader

From: Pakmun

Have you played the latest Accolade hit Test Drive XXII? It has all the newest intergalactic sports ships like the Transsteller V-9000! Zero to Tri-Light speed in less than -20 minutes...., relatively speaking. This game is one awesome ride! Uh oh! Here comes my supervisor, gotta go!


b1e3.gif (2390 bytes) b1e2.gif (2762 bytes) b1e1.gif (2700 bytes) b1e5.gif (2254 bytes) b1e4.gif (2552 bytes) b1e6.gif (2201 bytes) b1e7.gif (2569 bytes) b1e9.gif (2594 bytes) b1e10.gif (2501 bytes)


Turbolift Room..............19/01

Shuttle Room................19/19

Important Items

keycardgreen.gif (888 bytes)Green Access Card...................................................21/19

krellianpowerspherelower.gif (904 bytes)Krellian Power Sphere - Lower Hemisphere......22/11



repairpodblue.gif (883 bytes)Blue Repair Pod

repairpodgreen.gif (883 bytes)Green Repair Pod

shieldblue.gif (934 bytes)Blue Deflector Shield


Watch out for the Pulverizers! They're randomly spread troughout this whole level. Be careful!