Floor 1


mapb4f1.gif (1821 bytes)


b2e1.gif (2725 bytes) b2e5.gif (2691 bytes) b3e3.gif (2953 bytes) b3e6.gif (2728 bytes) b4e2.gif (2840 bytes) b4e5.gif (2574 bytes) b4e1.gif (2271 bytes)


Comm Log - 12830

To: Kytol

From: Gar

I know you are hiding here somewhere! I want that weapon and shield! Come forth! Give them to me and I might spare your miserable life!

Comm Log - 12831

To: Gar

From: Unit 378-212

Kytol can not be found supreme leader. It appears all military organisms have been eliminated. We will continue our sweep.


Turbolift Room..............35/09

Shuttle Room.................01/11

Important Items

circuitrepairdevice.gif (897 bytes)Circuit Repair Device....................29/05


storagebox.gif (903 bytes)Storage Box

circuitrepairdevice.gif (897 bytes)Circuit Repair Device

powercrystalwhite.gif (882 bytes)White Energy Crystal

repairpodred.gif (883 bytes)Red Repair Pod

combination.gif (914 bytes)Combination


When you exit the Shuttle Room, you have no choice but to set off a Proton Mine. It is most likely that you're Circuit Board will sustain some damage, and if it's your Plotter Module, you're in luck! Remeber that Plotter Module (plottermodule.gif (889 bytes)) you put by the Shuttle Room on Floor 5, Building 3? Use it! If any other circuits are roasted in the explosion, there is a Circuit Repair Device on the level...see Important Items. This whole level is peppered with Proton and De-Plotter Traps, you avoid these at ALL COST! For the Proton Mine parked in front of the Turbolift Room (37/09) stop at 37/08 facing South, and throw a Grenade. This will "disarm" the mine. Watch out for the Mercenary! It's a good idea to carry a Bola Bomb or Grenade just in case your aim is a bit off...he can "kill you five times over before you hit the ground" :) (Anybody watch The Simpsons?) It's also a good idea to carry around that Security Room Activator, in case you come across a very tough level.

Notice all of the Locked Boxes (lockedbox.gif (912 bytes)) in the top left-hand corner of the map? Well, there's a few keys in the vicinity of 30/15.